
Running one migration by hand

Sometimes, you want to run a single migration by hand (to test it maybe…)

You can do this from the command line:

ruby script/runner 'require "db/migrate/005_create_blogs"; CreateBlogs.migrate(:down)'
ruby script/runner 'require "db/migrate/005_create_blogs"; CreateBlogs.migrate(:up)'


DRYing up Actions with a page_errorhandler

When I am developing page actions, I quite often find myself approaching a standard get/post action in the same way. This is particularly because I want to validate a number of ActiveRecord models, only progressing if they are ALL valid, and showing all errors at once

Of course, that means that I need to have a standard way of doing this, and a standard way of reporting it. It also implies the use of transactions, so that all saves are rolled back on failure. I have

So to begin with, an (hypothetical) example of my approach is:

def edit_user
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@address = @user.address
# note that I do not want to reference the objects in the
# method call - so that the changes are available to render
@user.transaction do
results = []
results <<
results <<
raise "Validation failed" if results.include?(false)
redirect_to :action => :show_user and return
rescue Exception
logger.warn{"Transaction terminated : #{e.message}"}
logger.warn{"@user : #{(@user.errors.full_messages.join('; ') rescue nil)}"}
logger.warn{"@address : #{(@address.errors.full_messages.join('; ') rescue nil)}"}

The first thing that is useful about this is that because all objects are saved together and the transaction is not terminated unless ONE of them is invalid, we will not redirect and the edit_user template will be rendered. Also, the validation errors are written to the log “just in case”

Also, note that I am using the log4r syntax of using braces instead of brackets. In Log4r, if the logger is not logging at the level that is specified, the code inside the braces will not be run. In the example above, if we are in production mode and we are not logging DEBUG, the e.backtrace method is actually not executed.

From here, lets DRY it up.

First, there’s those validation messages. There’s quite a lot of code here. I’ve approached this from 2 angles. First, in environment.rb, I put this code in

class ActiveRecord::Base
def full_messages
self.errors.full_messages.join('; ') rescue nil

and in application.rb

def validation_message(*objects)
str = "Validation error :"
objects.each{ |obj| str << "\n#{} => #{obj.full_messages}" }

This means that the validation message can now be handled by simply doing this in the rescue block:

logger.warn{validation_message(@user, @address)}

Next, because I use this structure regularly, I created a page_errorhandler method to contain the exception block that does this:

def page_errorhandler(*objects, &block)
rescue Exception => e
logger.warn{"Transaction terminated : #{e.message}"}

Combining these with our method above:

def edit_user
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@address = @user.address
page_errorhandler(@user, @address) do
# note that I do not want to reference the objects in the
# method call - so that the changes are available to render
@user.transaction do
results = []
results << results << raise "Validation failed" if results.include?(false) end redirect_to :action => :show_user and return

Neatens things up nicely!


Master Pages for Rails (or, Heirarchial Layouts)

One of the things that I like about the .net web application setup is the concept of Master Pages. The most common usage of this is if you have a Home Page that has a slightly different layot from the rest of the site, but you want to share the base DIV structure and assets without having to copy them into another layout… Keep it DRY!

Although there is no “out of the box” solution for sharing common layout setups in Rails except for using Partials, there is in fact a way of replicating this functionality. First, you need to be familiar with the ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper class and the methods in it.

So, what you do is create a container rhtml layout that contains the common layout elements, such as the base HTML and div structure.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<%= yield :layout -%>

From there, you can create as many other layouts that reference that container, such as one called application.rhtml:
<% @content_for_layout = capture do %>
<div id='a_new_div' />
<%= yield :layout %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'layouts/container', { 'content_for_layout' => @content_for_layout } %>

Note what happens there – the capture method is used to catch the rendering of this layout file. Then, instead of just allowing it to render, this output is injected into the container.rhtml file. In this way, we have chained the inner layout (application.rhtml) into the outer (container.rhtml) layout.

In our example, the “<div id=’a_new_div’ />” will be injected, along with the data from the view, into the container. There is nothing stopping you from doing this to another layer, although I doubt how often you’d need to do that!

From our example above, we could also easily create a home.rhtml file that had slightly different layout from our application.rhtml file and use that from our HomeController without concern – all of the pages would then render in the correct layout while giving us the benefit of a shared outer container!

I have used this in production, and it works a treat both in terms of performance and code maintainability.