
Solaris SATA support for onboard chipsets

This page is designed to consolidate my findings on (Open)Solaris support for SATA chipsets found on motherboards and cheap SATA controllers. It’s easy enough to find out if your Promise or 3ware controller is supported because they are listed explicity. To discover if a motherboard works under Solaris I had to trawl through the compatability lists, work out what board worked, and then find out the chipset. Mostly it was easy enough because the search results contained a lit of the info, but I have collated it below to save others (well, at least Rob from work) the trouble.

I mainly searched for the keyword “SATA” on this page:

Here ’tis:

SiS 661GX – Yes

VIA K8T800 – Yes

VIA K8T800 Pro – No

VIA KTM800 – Yes

VIA K8T890 – Yes

Nforce 4 Pro – Yes

Intel 915P – Yes

NVIDIA nForce4 4X – Yes

Sil 3114 – Yes
(something like this: Skymaster SATA PCI CARD )

Sil 3132 – No


Sil 3112, Sil 3512, ICH5, ICH5R, ICH6, ICH6R (also Sil 3114 again) – Yes

ICH7R – Yes

It’s interesting that while the VIA K8T800 Pro is not supported, that the VIA K8T800 (non-pro) is. Also, the VIA K8T890 works, but there is no mention of the K8M890 – although the M variant of the K8T800 works so that’s a good hint it will be ok.

Most of the HCL postings note that the BIOS must be set to have the SATA interface in IDE compatability mode. One of the blogs referenced above is a Sun employee blog and he discusses Solaris x86 hardware shopping – a good guide for anyone interested in what kit will work.

If I’ve missed any or I am wrong, please let me know. I’m no expert, and I might be wrong, so check it yourself first and don’t come to me if it doesn’t work. IANAL, YMMV, do your research first before you buy anything and expect it to work (the links are right there to read after all). Otherwise, good luck!

[EDIT 2006-12-27]: Add K8M800 listing, and update discussion to match.

3 replies on “Solaris SATA support for onboard chipsets”

[…] Anyway, here’s my findings – Solaris SATA support for onboard chipsets. Turns out all those cheap VIA boards like the ASUS K8V-X SE are just fine, and teamed with a 4-port Sil 3114 PCI card, I’ll be laughing (I would prefer one of the Micro-ATX variants of these boards but they use the K8M800 chipset for which I can find absolutely no information one way or another… logic dictates that it shouldn’t matter, but the “K8T800? is fine and the “K8T800 Pro” is not so it ain’t necessarily so). If I am wrong in any of this, please correct me, but as with everything on the interwebs, check it yourself first, and DON’T BLAME ME if it doesn’t work. No warranty, YMMV, etc. […]